Custom Canvas Prints – Collage Edition

Collage Canvas

Custom Canvas Prints

Don’t know what to print on your canvas? Fret not, at Print For Fun, we offer custom canvas prints. You can print whatever you want, whenever you want. Here are some custom canvas prints ideas to inspire you.

Collage it!

Create different custom collage designs – from a simple to a complex collage layout. We have plenty of sizes and layouts for you to choose from, where you can mix up both landscape and portrait orientated photos. You can also add in some text to your canvas collage. Let your creativity flow and be in full control of designing your ideal canvas custom collage photo print!

P.S. custom collage canvas prints are space saving and also cost saving!

For some of you who are looking for gifts, an alternative to the usual Square Frame Collage will be our Collage Canvas Print. In fact, I would say that the Canvas Print looks more premium compared to our framed prints. By not having your photos bounded by the wooden frames, Canvas Prints creates a seamless finish all the way from your canvas to the wall you are hanging on.

Here is an example of how our collage canvas looks like :

Collage CanvasHere are some examples of collage layout you can choose from our website:

holidays & adventures

Went on a holiday with your loved ones recently? Display your favourite memories on this trip on your walls! Collage Canvas Prints are perfect for piecing together all these captured memories all within one print.

Wedding Pictures

Finding difficulties deciding which wedding picture to print on your Canvas? Well, you can save yourself from such worries by creating a collage with several of your favourite shots. Now you no longer have to limit yourself to just one photo.

Here is a screenshot of the web interface on Print For Fun when you are creating your custom collage canvas print. Not too fond of the white border? You can customized it to any colour you fancy!

* Actual product does not black border around images. 

Thank you folks for reading this blog we have for you today. To find out more on our canvas printing Singapore, you can read up our basics of canvas printing. We will be back for more tips and ideas for you real soon, stay tuned!